Monday, February 4, 2008

Ward Picnic

We had a pretty great time at the ward BBQ/Welcome picnic Saturday. We played lots of fun group games like gunny sack races, three legged races, an egg toss and lots of other random games people made up. Our egg cracked on me and got all over my arms and hand. But I was lucky not to get it down the shirt or in my hair...

Some of the locals wore these amazing "Troy" shirts from High School Musical. One girl got a stain on it from her ice cream cone (they bought 10 liters of random left over flavors for $10 -- kind of a gamble :) and got all nervous that she had defaced Troy. Her friend suggested that they could just put it in the wash, and the other frantically replied, "But then he would fade!!!" It was fun to get to know the ward members and spend some time with them. My hair is getting pretty long... should I cut it? Dye it? What? Maybe I should get dreads! What do you think?


Heather said...

Oohhh, this would be a fun time for dreds, no boys to impress, less stress. But it's pretty expensive, no? I'd probably just stick with a pony tail or french braid. Wish I could braid it for you, I have mad skills.

Julie T said...

Braid it, don't dye it! You told us never, never to let you color it again! You could always do the Sound of Music look where you wrap the braid around the top of your noggin...

Noelle said...

Those troy shirts are too much!

Stef, you know what happens if you dye your hair again...are you really willing to risk that? I would not do dreads, two of my friends did it in high school and hated it. I'd just let it grow. My 3 friends on study abroad that got hair cuts in England realized they don't quite have the same fashion over there and their haircuts turned out quite a bit different (UGLY) than they were expecting.

NatalieD said...

I vote for a short "pixie" cut.