Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tim Tam SLAM!

This was just Tuesday night at "Tim Tam Slam" night. Janessa and Abby's host mom went out for the evening, so they checked with Helen to invite a small group of friends over, and I'm pretty sure all 36 students came :) Tim Tams are these amazing chocolate covered cookies they have here. They come in about 20 flavors and taste great with hot Milo or cold milk. A Tim Tam SLAM is when you bite off diagonal corners of the cookie and slurp your drink through the cookie. It moistens the inside flavoring and lets you suck it out :) Anway, It was a lot of fun to get together with everyone. I sometimes get a social overload when everyone is together because it's just so loud and there is so much going on all the time! I seriously had to yell to the person next to me in order to be heard. Ramsey cut his hair but left his mullet. He got a lot of attention for that!


Anonymous said...

TIM TAM SLAM. I love it!!!! Sounds like a fun game of some kind, but is just a super kind of cookie. I go for you letter first thing every morning and just relish all the fun things you are telling about. Keep it up.

Julie T said...

"Me too! Me too!" I knew you'd know that-your news is always the most dramatic: on the cutting edge as they say. Bloody fight at the best hotel in Queenstown, eh? Just keep the boys nearby-they'll watch over you!

Unknown said...

Stefanie I am so jealous! I love Tim Tam Slams! My brother brought back Tim Tams when he came home from his mission and my life hasn't been the same since!