Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Photographer's dream!

The picture behind my blog title is one of those images you google for, hoping you get something decent. I never actually thought I would end up with countless pictures of my own that are so mind-boggling gorgeous you can't even believe it. New Zealand is officially a photographer's dream :) Hawaii doesn't hold a candle to this place!!! It would take way too long to link eaach picture to this, so I'll direct you toward my facebook page to see the current pics. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Julie T said...

So Hawaii pales in comparison? In that case, I'd better learn the features on my camera a lot better in a hurry! You're really making me stretch I have to get a Facebook account?? What next? Did you realize a short time ago you had to be a certain major to be accepted to NZ? Now virtually anyone can go if they can pay the airfare!