Thursday, January 31, 2008

Back to Second Grade

Today was my first day of school.

Aside from the assigned piles of reading, and expectation to sound intelligent in class, I feel like I am back in second grade. Here's why:

I bike to school
I carry a lunch box
We barber/bribe each other for school supplies
I stay in the same classroom all day
We trade lunches if we prefer a friends' pack
I have one teacher
People color next to me
We organize play dates for the weekend
Friends carry umbrullas (and sometimes use them as weapons)
We get recess
We have PE Mon, Tues and Wed.
Everybody's hair looks like a rat's nest
Almost everyone has a water bottle on their desk
We pass notes when the teacher isn't looking
People try to sneak snacks during lecture
The teacher can't get us to be quiet
We count off
Certain students brown-nose the teacher
We have guest speakers
We go on field trips
Our teacher wears blue jeans
People divert their eyes when they don't want to be called on
We take naps under the desks

Life is pretty slow-paced here in Invercargill. The SIT campus it very chill- with lots of multi-cultural students. I am a minority.


Marcindra LaPriel said...

Here here.

Stefanie, I love your blog. It brings me joy. I also think it's funny that blogspot spellcheck doesn't recognize "blog" as a real word. Ironic? I think so.

Looking forward to more updates of your life in New Zealand...even though I'm in New Zealand with you,

Noelle said...

this is funny stuff. Enjoy your second grade four months!

Julie T said...

Well, Stef- you're in good company! We tease Dad about being in the slow group at work since he has to bring so much home to finish here! But, I betcha anything that second grade will be at least twice as fun the second time around! Dad just bought your camera (with insurance for 3 years) and is having it sent the fastest way he can!

Julie T said...
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Anonymous said...

Love your comments, particularly about being back in grade school.
Do you have graham crackers and milk and have to take a nap too?

Love, BeeGee

Heather said...

I think it was the boxy lunch box that really cemented it. You are a great writer. Keep up the good work babe!